Simon says, "The bitter, jealous and feeble minded only see "rich man pay less" because they are simplistic and can't do math. it's partly why they are poor."
AMEN, BROTHER! I would only say that innumeracy is a BIG part of why people stay poor. I started out poor (welfare family in NYC and Ky), broken home (thanks to The Tower) and a semi-literate mother who thought that education wasn't important. Fortunately I took ECON 101 as an elective in High School.
I worked hard, saved money, invested and today I am worth more than a Big Mac (at McDonald's).
I have two idiot brothers that still attend Watchtower indoctrinations. One live alone in government housing, the other gives his time and his mind to the cult. He's an "elder" maybe soon one of the new "circuit servants" (positions will be filling soon, get your résumés in soon!